Recreation, student center, typology, public buildings, planningAbstract
The purpose of this article is to define the functional and planning organization of student recreation centers, based on the analysis of scientific works on this topic and a review of foreign experience in the functioning of university recreation complexes. Research methods. The basis of the study was the analysis of recreational activities in order to determine the necessary functional areas of the building of the center. The study analyzes the planning structures of foreign university recreation complexes, namely the student recreation center of the University of California in Riverside. Results. The planning organization of the student recreation center must be based on a certain foundation in order to fully meet the needs and requirements of a certain group. As a result of the research, the directions of recreational activities for students were determined. As a result, a scheme of the functional and planning organization of the student recreation center was developed. Conclusions. This article demonstrates that the range of recreational opportunities that can be implemented in student recreation centers is quite wide. When designing such centers, it is advisable to rely on the needs of a specific audience. The creation of multi-functional student recreation centers will provide opportunities for passive and active recreation of students, teachers and staff, which in turn will have a positive impact on learning and work.
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Онлайн-ресурс ArchDaily / Riverside Student Recreation Center Expansion / Cannon Design.