bridge, span, tests, deformability, crack resistance, tension, technical condition, post-tension systemsAbstract
The purpose of the research is to assess and forecast the technical condition of the bridge superstructure with the post-tension system, to research its spatial operation and the effectiveness of the applied constructive solutions. The study analyzes the example of the stress-strain state of the constructions of the span structure of the bridge over the Desna River on the M-01 highway of public use of state importance Kyiv – Chernihiv – Novi Yarylovichi (on the city of Gomel), southern entrance to the city of Chernihiv, km 11+414. The research methods. The research of parameters of spatial work and the stress-deformed state of the span structure included analytical calculation, field measurement and analysis of absolute deformations (deflections) of beams, stresses in beams under the action of static load according to the appropriate loading schemes. The research results. The obtained results of field research were compared with the results of the calculation model of the span structure and the corresponding indicators of regulatory documents. Based on the results of the research, the value of the design factor k was determined, which is within 0.82 ... 0.95 and does not exceed 1.0. The values of the measured deflections adjusted to the normative value are much smaller than the permissible 1/400 lр according to the standards, the values of the stresses occurring in the beam in the support section above the support 3 are adjusted to the normative values and are also much smaller than the permissible according to the normative documents. The conclusions. Conclusions were made regarding the relevance of the use of advanced design solutions and modern repair materials in the construction of new and repair of damaged bridges. As a result of the studies of the continuous reinforced concrete monolithic pre-stressed span structure of the bridge using the post-tension system, the parameters of its spatial operation, both in the transverse and longitudinal directions, and the stress-strain state of the constructions were established. The results of the research of the span structure once again proved the effectiveness of the post-tension system in bridge construction.
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