
  • Olga Lagutenko National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture
  • Anna Alieksieieva National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture



image, portrait, twentieth century, Ukrainian writer, graphics, painting


The aim of the study is to analyze the image of the Ukrainian contemporary writer in the artistic works of I. Trush, V. Krychevskyi, A. Petrytskyi, M. Zhuk. In particular, to identify the stylistic, compositional, technical and semantic features of the portraits of each artist. Research methods. The applied method of art historical analysis made it possible to determine the structural elements of works of art, the iconological method helped to interpret, and the methods of comparison and generalization helped to compare portrait images. The systematic approach and biographical analysis allowed us to characterize the portrait works of the artists in the context of their time. Results. The portrait series of Ukrainian cultural figures I. Trush, M. Zhuk, V. Krychevsky, and A. Petrytsky are described. The importance of self-portraits by O. Dovzhenko, M. Zhuk, and O. Bohomazov as writers and artists of their time is also emphasized. The works are executed in different techniques (oil painting, woodcut, watercolor, mixed media) and author's styles, on different bases (canvas, cardboard, paper) – they are different and original. Conclusions. In the course of the study, we analyzed the artistic image of the writer in the works of Ukrainian artists of the early twentieth century, primarily among the series of portraits by I. Trush, V. Krychevskyi, M. Zhuk, and A. Petrytskyi. An attempt was made to find out the place of the visual image of a contemporary writer in the work of artists who used different techniques and methods, had a different manner and circle of communication, as well as other sociopolitical conditions, which formed their worldview and position. Further research on the topic, compilation and systematization of the results obtained will make it possible to define communication among Ukrainian intellectuals in various fields of activity, including writing.


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How to Cite

Lagutenko, O., & Alieksieieva, A. (2024). THE IMAGE OF THE WRITER IN THE WORKS OF UKRAINIAN ARTISTS OF THE EARLY TWENTIETH CENTURY. Вісник Національної академії образотворчого мистецтва і архітектури, (2), 73–80.