art residencies, art, art environment, cultural and artistic p ractices, societyAbstract
The purpose of the research is to analyze the possibilities of Ukrainian art residences and art clusters in the process of individual localities cultural transformation with the help of artistic practices of artists. The research methods. Terminological, systematic, historical-chronological, comparative, cross-cultural, typological methods of scientific research are used in this research. The research results. It is emphasized that art residencies arose in the West in the 1960s in the system of art management as organizational tools for supporting artists, aimed at solving urgent issues of the interaction of art and society. With the acquisition of independence, Ukraine updated the experience of holding art residencies, which were expanded with new formats. It was found that the format of art residencies in Ukraine promotes the interaction of artists with the social and cultural environment, encouraging their involvement into social changes. Art residencies are becoming an impulse for the formation of local cultural life, influencing the social environment and initiating changes. Thanks to the interaction of artists with the local area, not only cultural and creative spheres are developing, but also economic ones. The format of art clusters is analyzed as new forms of realization of cultural potential arising from the initiative of active citizens and affecting the development of the city's internal cultural potential. The conclusions. Conclusions are made about the movement of the art residences towards the popularization of the historical and cultural-artistic potential of the regions and the country as a whole, which is connected with the need to form a national identity, to choose own freedom in the context of the Russian invasion of 2014 and the Russian-Ukrainian war.
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