
  • Anatoliy Davydov
  • Halyna Lavrynenko




attractivity, postmodernism, style, pluralism, architectural image, recreational architecture, attractive architecture


The purpose of this article is to determine the signs of the phenomenon of attractivity in postmodern architecture; to systematize and classify architectural techniques of postmodernism, which give architecture a sign of attractivity; to analyze the experience and philosophical foundations of postmodern architecture; to consider outstanding architectural objects around the world (including buildings in Kyiv and Dnipro), created to enrich the urban space, and look at their attractive and typological features. Research methods involve the collection and analysis of literary, scientific and design sources related to our topic and based on an understanding of attractivity of architectural structures as objects that can influence the improvement of urban space. Results. The research defines the author's interpretation of the term "attractivity" in architecture, reveals its meaning and origin. It is noted that the main goal of attractive architecture is to attract the attention and interest of consumers (residents or guests of the city). It has also been proven that the main values of postmodern architecture create the attractivity of architectural objects. An attempt was made to systematize and classify architectural objects according to the principle of various architectural techniques that are used to give the features of attractivity to an object. The projects by famous architects around the world and Ukraine were analyzed. Conclusions. It has been established that the attractivity of a building’s architectural image is a fundamental characteristic, a sign of the application of the principles of postmodernism, and it must be studied and taken into account when designing exhibition objects and complexes. The reasons for the inappropriateness of providing attractive features to some buildings, that leads to the loss of the integrity and meaning of the environment, ar e revealed.


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How to Cite

Davydov, A., & Lavrynenko, H. (2024). ON ATTRACTIVITY IN THE POSTMODERN ARCHITECTURE. Вісник Національної академії образотворчого мистецтва і архітектури, (1), 14–22. https://doi.org/10.32782/naoma-bulletin-2024-1-2