
  • Olha Denysiuk
  • Olha Tamarianska




Ukrainian sculpture, composition, environment, creative heritag e, monument, impact


The purpose of this article is to analyze the innovation of Volodymyr Chepelyk’s artworks, to define the main features of his art style and to study his influence o n Ukrainian sculpture on the example of his students. Research methods. The research is based on the methods of artistic compositional and comparative analysis, which made it possible to draw further conclusions regarding the author’s uniqueness and relevance. Results. The art of sculpture requires not only an assessment of the visual component of an individual work, but also an understanding of the genre features under the influence of which it was created. As part of the study, the work of the sculptor Volodymyr Chepelyk and three of his students was analyzed, a number of the author`s works were considered in the context of two main types of three-dimensional artistic forms, and enough similarities were established that allow us to draw conclusions about the artist’s innovation and influence. Based on the methods of visual and stylistic analysis, it can be concluded that the goa l of the research was achieved. Conclusions. The main stylistic and conceptual feature of Volodymyr Chepelyk’s sculptural ensembles іs a characteristic combination of the primary features of monumentalism and easel plasticity. The unique reinterpretation of monumental statues, the replacement of a grandiose scale with ease of perception and accessibility of the depicted hero’s interaction with an average passer-by without losing the memoriality necessary for the immortalization of a historical figure can indeed be considered innovative. A similar approach to the genre can be observed among Chepelyk’s creative heirs, which substantiates the statement about the author’s influence. Given the innovative approach of the artist among the vast community of Ukrainian sculptors, he can be considered recognized, but not sufficiently appreciated. So, as an artist, sculptor, teacher and professor, Volodymyr Chepelyk greatly influenced modern Ukrainian sculpture, passing on his unique skills to a whole generation of young authors. Further attention should be drawn to the recognized but underappreciated name of the outstanding artist for his many co ntributions to the culture of Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Denysiuk, O., & Tamarianska, O. (2024). VOLODYMYR CHEPELYK AND HIS DISCIPLES: INFLUENCE AND INNOVATION. Вісник Національної академії образотворчого мистецтва і архітектури, (1), 68–73. https://doi.org/10.32782/naoma-bulletin-2024-1-10