
  • Anatoliy Davydov National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture
  • Viacheslav Nesterenko National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture



architecture, BIM (Building Information Modeling), modeling, parametric modeling, Revit, Rhinoceros, Grasshopper


The purpose of this article is to study the feasibility of using the Rhino.Inside plugin in the development of architectural objects and interior design. The article discusses the combination of BIM modeling (Building Information Modeling) with precision parametric software using Revit (BIM) and Rhinoceros/Grasshopper, respectively. The modeling process is performed in Rhinoceros/Grasshopper with all the benefits of BIM, which is rendered in real time in a Revit window that has been exported using the Rhino.Inside®.Revit plug-in, resulting in instantaneously generated commands. This means that the Rhino.Inside®.Revit plug-in communicates with both Rhino and Revit, allowing them to work in the same environment. Such software can be combined for different purposes, but we have considered two main combinations: direct design (facades, landscape, development of planning solutions) and the creation of "families" for Revit based on Rhinoceros/Grasshopper with further editing of basic custom elements in the BIM system. An important factor in the use of any software is the availability of a scientific base, training platforms and materials freely available in the state language for those who are learning the program. There is very little information about Rhino.Inside®.Revit in the Ukrainian language. This is one of the important factors behind the inactive use of these tools in Ukraine. Research methods. Collecting facts, their initial description and generalization, these methods made it possible to obtain the necessary primary information to systematize the processes presented in the article and emphasize important aspects of the study. Results of the study. The Rhino.Inside®.Revit plug-in allows Rhinoceros/ Grasshopper and Revit to exchange all available information, saving time and ensuring maximum accuracy when transferring models from one environment to another and vice versa. Unfortunately, Rhino.Inside is rarely used in Ukraine, which hinders the development of design and modeling. Conclusions. By combining Rhino and Revit, you can use all the advantages of both tools and get the results yo u need.


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How to Cite

Davydov, A., & Nesterenko, V. (2024). ADVANTAGES AND PROSPECTS OF USING RHINO.INSIDE. Вісник Національної академії образотворчого мистецтва і архітектури, (2), 12–16.