patterns of Ukrainian identity, prototype, creative method, neoformationAbstract
The purpose of the article is to determine the principles of formation of Vasyl Krychevsky's worldview understanding of Ukrainian traditional culture, as a source of architectural design of the beginning of the 20th century with a clearly expressed Ukrainian identity. Research methods. The research uses such methods as: analysis and systematization of research sources, analysis of archival and bibliographic sources, comparative analysis of creative ideologies. Historical and historical-comparative analysis are also applied. Results. The latest studies and publications related to the research object are analyzed. On the basis of the research, one can consider Vasyl Krychevskyi – the leading founder of the application of the features of Ukrainian identity at the beginning of the 20th century – to be a student of the Kharkiv School of Architecture during its formation period. The formation of the artistic principles of Vasyl Krychevskyi's architectural creativity is highlighted, as a relay of the transfer of professional skills in the form of a "master's school" and ideas of the expression of Ukrainian identity in architecture in small groups of Ukrainophile cultural figures of Kharkiv and Poltava. Studying folk art, Krychevsky laid the synthetic foundations of creative thinking and formed his own method, which consisted of the following stages: accumulation of material, selection of the best, analysis of prototypes, synthesis, individual creation of a new work based on a folk prototype.
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