Kharkiv, modernism, residential area behind the Derzhprom, garden-city, residential combine, house-commune, compositional and functional peculiaritiesAbstract
The purpose of this article is to highlight the history and features of the residential districts «Novyi Pobut», «Chervonyi Promyslovets», and «Budynok Spetsialistiv» in the context of the creation of the metropolitan center of Kharkiv in the 1920s and 1930s, as well as to identify the concepts implemented in these districts. Methods. In order to achieve this goal, the study applies the method of systematization of literary, documentary and digital sources and uses a systematic logical and genetic approach. Results. The article explores the history and peculiarities of the residential area behind the Derzhprom (State Industry Building) in Kharkiv on the example of three residential complexes: «Chervonyi Promyslovets», «Budynok Spetsialistiv» and «Novyi Pobut», built in the 1920s and 1930s not far from the new administrative center of the city. This article is a continuation of the authors' previous research, and its scientific novelty lies in revealing the reflection of progressive architectural and urban planning trends of the early 20th century in the architecture of residential complexes: concepts of garden city, house commune and residential combine. The urban planning of Kharkiv's administrative center, where residential quarters are separated from the administrative and business district by a wide green boulevard, implements the concept of a garden city. In turn, the «Chervonyi Promyslovets» and «House of Specialists» embody the idea of a residential combine, while the «Novyi Pobut» partially realizes the concept of a hou se commune. The relevance of this article is determined by the need to preserve architectural heritage as an essential component of the modern European strategy, which is a key factor in understanding the value of historical landscapes and architectural monuments. Documenting Kharkiv's architectural and urban heritage, particularly from the period of its active development, is crucial for the preservation and further study of unique monuments, as these buildings not only reflect the city's history but also showcase progressive architectural concepts of the 20th century. Conclusions. The capital period of Kharkiv was one of the most fruitful, turning the city into a center of early modernist complexes. In the 1920s and 1930s, a new administrative center emerged in the city with residential districts that embodied variations of the «house-commune» and «garden city» concepts. The «Novyi Pobut», «Chervonyi Promyslovets», and «Budynok Spetsialistiv» complexes demonstrate the evolution of the concept of a «residential combine» – serviced residential buildings. The article examines the history of three residential blocks, including «Novyi Pobut», which embodies the concept of a «house-commune», and «Chervonyi Promyslovets» and «Budynok Spetsialistiv», which represent the concept of a «residential combine». Throughout its existence, the «Novyi Pobut» residential complex has undergone the greatest spatial changes over time, while the other two have remained without significant changes in structure and appearance. The results of the study will contribute to the preservation of the unique residential blocks of the central part of Kharkiv, their integration into the strategies of monument protection and increase their value.
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