


sustainable architecture, public buildings, office buildings, energy-efficiency, passive design strategies, daylighting, daylight factor, daylight glare probability, window-to-wall ratio, solar shading devices, light shelves


The purpose of this paper is: to analyze the possibilities of multi-objective daylight optimization of an office premise in climatic conditions of Ukraine; to propose academically proven method for daylight optimization in order to achieve optimal values of Daylight factor (DF) and Daylight glare probability (DGP); to reveal optimal values of windowto- wall ratio (WWR), window length-to-width ratio and shading device depth of south façade for two locations – Kyiv & Odesa. Methods. Literature review of scientific papers and regulations, as well as computer simulations using computer-aided design software – Rhinoceros, visual programming language – Grasshopper, plugins – Ladybug Tools & Honeybee, and Octopus. Results. The multi-objective daylight optimization method of the office space in the climatic conditions of Ukraine was tested; optimal façade design options of office buildings from the point of view of DF and DGP were identified; optimal values of WWR, windows proportions and shading devices depth were discovered; office buildings façade design comparison for two climatic zones of Ukraine was conducted (for Kyiv and Odesa). Conclusions. Architects are suggested to use multi-objective daylight optimization at early design stage for façade design. Architectural design on the basis of environmental computer simulations provides rather accurate results for design solutions including: values of WWR, window proportions, shading devices depth, etc. The compromise between environmental design and aesthetical approach can lead to sustainable, environmentally conscious architectural solutions.


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