architecture, architectural kitsch, mass culture, postmodernism, socio-cultural phenomenon, aesthetics, historicism, globalization, architectural critique, architectural design, kitsch popularizationAbstract
The purpose of this article is to explore modern architectural kitsch as a phenomenon of mass culture during the postmodern era comprehensively. The main objectives include analyzing the origins and evolution of the concept of kitsch, studying the impact of postmodern aesthetics on the development of architectural kitsch, investigating the socio-cultural factors that contributed to the spread of kitsch, and critically reviewing examples of architectural kitsch from the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Particular attention will be paid to assessing the role of mass culture in shaping the aesthetic ideals that led to the emergence and popularization of kitsch in architecture. Methods: historical and cultural analysis, comparative analysis, content analysis, critical analysis, case studies, sociological methods, and visual analysis. These methods will provide a comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon of architectural kitsch and its impact on contemporary society. Results. The study will reveal new relationships between architectural kitsch and mass culture in postmodernism, as well as its socio-cultural factors. New aesthetic characteristics of modern architectural kitsch and its influence on the formation of the architectural environment have been identified. These results are significant for science, education, and society, contributing to a deeper understanding of cultural and architectural trends in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Conclusions. The research has demonstrated that modern architectural kitsch is a significant phenomenon of postmodern mass culture, shaped by socio-cultural factors. New aesthetic characteristics and relationships between kitsch and the architectural environment have been identified. These conclusions provide valuable insights into contemporary cultural trends and their impact on architecture, offering important information for science and education.
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