philosophical worldview, architectural perception of the world, modernism, existentialism, postmodernism, architectural space, perception of the specificity of human life and activity environment, transmodernismAbstract
The purpose of this article is analysis of philosophical aspects in architectural creativity. The research methods. The primary research method employed is the comparative method combined with deduction techniques, empirical studies, analysis, and synthesis of scientific concepts, as well as a systemic approach to examining existing realities and potential development prospects of philosophical-architectural relationships in the European and global context. The research anticipates a professionally reasoned critical stance towards the unbridled ubiquity of postmodernism devoid of restraining factors, which has led to an open threat of infiltration into architectural practice by the extreme postmodernist step – kitsch, which unfortunately has already become a reality in some contemporary "postmodernist works". The work also anticipates the optimization of relations between philosophy and architecture with a focus on seeking new harmony. Conclusions. The formation of aesthetic principles in architecture is inseparable from the influence of philosophical thinking on architectural shaping processes, considering that architecture reflects the worldview logic of epochs. The analysis of the relationship between philosophy and architecture at the current stage illustrates the crisis phenomena in contemporary architectural creativity, which have arisen under the influence of postmodernist destruction of the three freedoms: freedom of content, form, and independence from the spirit of time. This determinism is characterized by the term coined by J. Baudrillard – "simulation", without the possibility of presenting reality. All this "contribution" to contemporary reality was made by the permissiveness of postmodernism, which has already betrayed signs of exhaustion, lack of perspective, and readiness to give way to a new type of culture capable of combining the innovative spirit of high modernism with tradition without rejecting anything in the process. In this context, the concept of transmodernism arises, aiming towards integration, directly opposed to the pluralism and fragmentation of postmodernism with its lack of orderly development.
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