DIY culture, counterculture, punk culture, self-organization, printed graphics, screen printing, zine, posterAbstract
The purpose of the article is to analyze the DIY (do it yourself) culture phenomenon, identify its main stylistic features, characteristic development stages. It is important to investigate not only the experience of developing this culture in Western European countries and the USA but also to focus on examples characteristic of the Ukrainian context. The goal is to study the phenomenon of counterculture, opposition to the 'mass market' culture, the role of grassroots artistic collectives and groups in shaping the concept of 'alternative artistic style'. The research methods: the article is based on research and empirical methods, as well as on the author's personal experience, who is a practicing artist and has directly participated in organizing and promoting DIY practices in Ukraine. As this topic is relatively underdeveloped in the Ukrainian art studies circle, much information was obtained through interviews with representatives and adepts of the DIY culture. Results. The ethics of DIY as a cultural phenomenon in Western European countries, the USA, and Ukraine have been considered and analyzed. The historical-political and cultural context of Ukraine, which influenced the formation of Ukrainian DIY culture, has been studied, including major events, festivals, and initiatives. The creativity of Ukrainian artists working in this direction has been analyzed, and the stylistic features of their work have been studied. The main principles of DIY philosophy have been defined. Conclusions. The DIY culture is a unique protest phenomenon that emerged as an alternative to mass culture and consumer society. Its development in Western Europe and the United States is closely linked to youth movements, particularly punk culture, and was shaped by socio-historical events. DIY aesthetics have become an important tool for youth self-expression, forming the foundation of countercultural movements. In Ukraine, DIY culture combines global principles with local peculiarities, fostering a non-commercial artistic style and strengthening the role of grassroots collectives in the cultural environment. DIY functions not only as a creative phenomenon but also as a philosophy that supports the ideas of autonomy, self-sufficiency, and innovation. The research confirms that DIY culture remains relevant, contributing to the development of alternative forms of creativity in both global and local contexts.
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