art, graffiti, protest poster, artistic protest, artistic online activism, civil war, SyriaAbstract
The goal of the research is to study the role of various art forms in the social protest resistance during the Syrian revolution of 2011–2012. Research methods. By systematizing information from different sources and analyzing it structurally, the principles of art formation during protest events are considered; attention is focused on artistic images used in urban and Internet space during revolutionary events; the prognostic method is used to disseminate the conclusions drawn from the analysis of the sources used. Results. The article examines the use of Internet resources in Syrian society as a platform for the dissemination of artistic forms of protest and the transmission of artistic messages with a social colour. The article also examines the exchange of revolutionary content that intensifies cultural dialogue in the context of social resistance. Special attention is paid to the sociopolitical significance of art, which can become a powerful tool of protest in the context of extreme violence and systemic human rights violations. It can show solidarity, draw attention to suffering and emphasise the value of human life, even in situations where this life becomes an object of helplessness and neglect. Conclusions. The material analysed allows us to conclude that, due to the control of censorship by the authorities, most artists start to look for new ways of artistic expression in order to convey the truth to society. The use of complex metaphors, symbolism of images in graffiti, posters, etc. has become widespread. In the early days, the Internet became the main platform and provided an opportunity for the main message of the revolution – the realization of ourselves as a civil society. The presence of a strategy of anonymity in artistic opposition to the regime's actions is noted, for obvious security reasons. The rejection of authorship was both negative for the artist and positive for the overall protest movement, as it contributed to an atmosphere of open exchange of ideas. The logic of the protest movement led to the idea that art has a significant potential to influence situations of violent confrontation, speaking on behalf of those who suffer to encourage changes in public attitudes and behaviour.
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