



Oleh Snarsky, graphic art, graphic design, book design, typogr aphy, lettering


The purpose of this article is to identify the role and place of Oleh Snarsky in shaping book design and typographic art in Ukraine. It aims to analyze his methods of font development, book cover design, and the dissemination of artistic ideas across cultural traditions. The focus is on analyzing his contribution to the development of book cover typography and applied graphics, as well as his impact on the formation of visual culture and the perception of typographic art in Ukraine in the second half of the 20th century. Methods. The study is based on a comprehensive methodological approach that combines theoretical and practical methods of analysis. Specifically, the analytical method was applied for an in-depth examination of O. Snarsky's work, the historical method for describing the context of his works, the comparative method for identifying the specific features and influence of his works on contemporary font design, and the method of semantic analysis for uncovering the deeper meanings and symbolism in his typographic developments. Results. The analysis of O. Snarsky's creative legacy reveals his unique approach to typographic art, which includes technical mastery, deep substantive dimension, and the perception of typography as a means of multicultural communication. His works demonstrate innovative approaches to typographic design, adaptation, and synthesis of cultural-historical traditions of various nations and types of scripts, particularly in the context of polycultural and multilingual aspects. Conclusions. The study contributes to understanding the influence of O. Snarsky's works on Ukrainian graphic art in the second half of the 20th century and the formation of the visual language of fine arts. The research can serve as a theoretical basis for further studies in the field of typographic art, typography, and graphic design, as well as for educational programs that prepare future specialists in the field of graphics and design.


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