


Elizabeth Frink, sculpture, male figure, texture, plastic, volume, form


The purpose of the article is to analyze the sculptural heritage of the outstanding British sculptor Elizabeth Frink, a graduate of the Guildford School. Study of creativity of E. Frink includes an analysis of the artistic pursuits and stylistic features of her sculptures, which became decisive in the formation of her artistic language. Special attention is paid to the study of the main directions of the author's design experiments, in particular, the sculptures of the male figure, which became the central theme in her work. Research methods. The article uses art and general scientific methods of research: historical and biographical, so that to determine chronological boundaries; formal-stylistic, analytical-descriptive and interpretation method for the analysis of the main characteristics of the works and their art-historical research; method of classification and generalization, for systematization and arrangement of materials. The results. The creative methods of Elisabeth Frink, reflected in her sculpture, showed the influence of various artistic trends, as well as a certain effect of the social and cultural environment that shaped her creativity. This was reflected in the ways of expressing her ideas in plastic works. Analysis of the methods that Frink used while working on her sculptures allowed us to reveal her unique artistic vision and philosophical views, manifested in the search for angles of figures and compositional solutions through the use of plastic means and their combinations. Conclusions. Elisabeth Frink occupied an important place in the world art of the second half of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries, and her work became one of the key examples of modernist sculpture. Her works are characterized by a unique combination of realistic and abstract elements, reflecting a deep understanding of human nature, expressiveness and dynamics of forms. Frink often addresses the themes of male strength, vulnerability and human interaction with the environment, which gives her sculptures a deep psychological and social meaning. The study proposed in this article is one of the first attempts at a thorough analysis of Elizabeth Frink’s sculptural work. Despite the recognition of her contribution to the development of modern art, her work still remains understudied. Therefore, the study aims to fill this gap by offering an analysis of the artist's sculptural works and their influence on contemporary artists. The topicality of the topic is due to the lack of thorough studies of Elizabeth Frink’s sculptural work, among which works depicting the male figure occupy a special place. The results of this study can be an important contribution to the further study of Frink’s creative pursuits, and can also be used to analyze her influence on other types of art, in particular in the context of interdisciplinary studies. The study of her approaches to sculpture opens up new perspectives for understanding the role of women artists in the formation of the modern artistic landscape, and also expands the understanding of the evolution of the image of the male figure in the art of the 20th – 21st centuries.


Elisabeth Frink. 1930–1993. Messums Org. URL: https://www.messums. org/artists/elisabeth-frink/(дата звернення: 29.07.2024).

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Bryan Robertson. A Life in Focus: Dame Elisabeth Frink, sculptor. Independent. URL: Дата публікації: 27.09.2019 (дата звернення: 13.08.2024).

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Dame Elisabeth Frink. Getty. URL: person/103M34 (дата звернення: 30.06.2024).

Patrick Elliott. The Age of Anxiety and Elisabeth Frink. National Galleries of Scotland. URL: Дата публікації: 20.12.2021 (дата звернення: 17.08.2024).

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Elisabeth Frink: Sculpture since 1984 and Drawings. Edward Lucie-Smith. URL: (дата звернення: 26.08.2024).

Bird man. URL: Дата публікації: 11.2021 (дата звернення: 26.08.2024).

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Man sitting down. URL: (дата звернення: 26.08.2024).

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