architecture, architectural heritage, architectural studies, cartography, maps, plans, the center of Kyiv, buildings.Abstract
Abstract. The study of cartographic sources makes it possible to find out more fully the features of the architectural heritage of the city center of Kyiv of the 18th c entury. The purpose of this article is to identify the process of forming the urban structure of the city and to identify the objects of the architectural heritage of Kyiv during the Hetmanship period (second half of the 17th – 18th centuries). Research methods. The research is based on the methods of analysis for considering the main issues of the work, synthesis for formulating conclusions for the article, induction and deduction – for determining the role of cartographic sources in the consideration of the architectural heritage of Kyiv during the Hetmanship period, as well as the source method of research – for the systematization and classification of cartographic sources from history Kyiv. The results. The potential for a significant expansion of the study of the history of architectural development in the center of Kyiv during the Hetmanship period is evidenced by a very significant range of historical sources, which are not only concentrated in the archival repositories of our country and beyond, but also presented in the form of maps/plans. The first images of cities were bird's-eye views, which were later transformed into panoramic views or perspective drawings of cit ies. Conclusions. As a result of the analysis, it was established that since 1725 the matter of state mapping was in the department of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and since 1739 p. all cartographic works were concentrated in the Geographical Department at the Academy of Sciences, which for almost half a century provided systematic mapping of the territories of the empire. As new plans/schemes were created, they were characterized by greater illustrativeness and scale, as well as clarity. During the period of the Hetmanship, dominant objects of architectural heritage and the planning structure of the city were recorded on several plans of the city, leading church buildings (the greatest attention was paid to the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra) and palaces (Mariinsky, Klovsky Palaces), as well as the Kyiv Fortress were recorded. According to cartographic material, the center of Kyiv was within the city walls. Outside the city center there were either the residences of the urban poor, or military or economic buildings.
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