
  • Kateryna Voloshyna


artist Vasyl Chegodar, Ukrainian painting of the 20th century, Kyiv, city landscape.


Abstract. The article researches the work of an outstanding Ukrainian painter of the second half of the 20th century Vasyl Chegodar, in particular his Kyiv landscapes. He worked both as a graphic artist and as a painter, but it was the painting that became the main direction of the master's creativity. V. Chegodar lived in Kyiv decades long, beginning from the mid-1940s and until the end of his art life (1989). Even during the master's lifetime, the art critic circles formed the opinion that Kyiv landscapes are, if not the main theme of his work, then one of the key ones. Many canvases were dedicated to the capital of Ukraine. That is why, in the 1970s, V. Chegodar was called the "singer of Kyiv". Regrettably, there are still no scientific surveys that systematically study the artist's Kyiv landscapes. This is especially unfortunate, because the artist received world recognition, and his works were exhibited almost all over the world, from Europe to America. There are a number of articles in periodicals written mainly in the Soviet period. Most of them have general overview and do not claim to be exhaustive. The purpose of the article is to reveal the characteristic compositional, thematic and pictorial features of his works on the example of several typical paintings. Research methods. The study is based on figurative and stylistic analysis to outline the features of works of art; generalization – to define the creative method of V. Chego dar. As a result of the analysis, landscape motifs and subthemes characteristic of this group of works were found. In particular, the master was especially interested in urban landscapes with sacred architecture, with buildings known in the city, a kind of cultural and educational symbols of the capital, which often gain monumentality in canvases. Another group consists of works of more lyrical nature, with the pictures of lilac, views of the Dnipro River and etc. It has been established that the typical compositional principle was the panoramic display of Kyiv landscapes, realism and authenticity in conveying the forms of the depicted objects. The painterly style is characterized by the use of bri ght, open colors. In addition, certain creative connections of V. Chegodar were established with his friend and colleague, photographer Mykola Kozlovsky, who influenced V. Chegodar's Kyiv landscapes. 


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