land art, Ukrainian contemporary art, environmental art, art th erapy, land art therapy.Abstract
Abstract. The purpose of this article is to study the development of Ukrainian land art and its new challenges in wartime conditions. Methods. A thorough approach to the study of the topic combined such methods of scientific research as: analytical – to study the state of research of the chosen topic; system – for processing literary sources; comparative – to determine the common and distinctive features of the creative search of representatives of land art; historical-chronological – to study the periods of formation of Ukrainian land art; method of art analysis – for characterizing individual wor ks of artists. Results. The study deals with the analysis of national land art as a part of Ukrainian contemporary art. The main problem of our study is that there is still a lack of fundamental research on Ukrainian environmental art. There is a need to characterize the distinguishing features of Ukrainian land art different from foreign environmental art. Our study aims to highlight the factors that contributed to the unique character of Ukrainian land art. As a result, having studied the land art events in the context of modern Ukrainian art, the authors claims that Ukrainian environmental art has formed an original worldview language, different from foreign practices. For artists, organic materials have become a universal research tool for learning the world. The authors identify, for the first time, psychological and therapeutic role of Ukrainian environmental art by exploring the art works and land art projects in Ukraine in 2022. Conclusions. The study singles out the factors influencing the mental context of the Ukrainian environmental art, where a special place belongs to the emotional and sensual sphere. This gives reason to highlight the therapeutic component of Ukrainian land art as a part of world art as a unique phenomenon of creative world perception. At the same time, the issue of harmony between man and nature becomes especially relevant in the third millennium. It is land art that performs the unique function of uniting man with nature.
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