


residential architecture, Metabolism, modular architecture, multi-storey housing, private housing, unchangeable structure


The article examines Japanese residential buildings from the 1950s to 1970s that belong to the Metabolism trend, which involves the creation of buildings that can function as living organisms, adapting to the needs of residents. The purpose of the article is to identify ways to apply Metabolism techniques in the design of modern housing. Research methods. The study is based on the method of architectural and typological analysis, which made it possible to identify the features of the volumetric and spatial solution of metabolism residential buildings. Systematization and generalization methods were also used. Research results and conclusions. Based on the analysis of Japanese residential buildings from the 1950s to 1970s belonging to the metabolism movement, the techniques that allow creating durable housing adapted to the needs of residents have been identified. This includes the possibility of differentiating building elements into durable (frame and communications) and replaceable (blocks). On this basis, we propose a scheme of private and multi-storey residential buildings, which should be used depending on the location (rural settlements – private houses, cities – multi-storey). This approach to housing design allows for rapid construction, as well as the ability to constantly change the h ouse depending on the needs of the residents.


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