


KYIVZNDIEP, architectural and planning organization, civil buildings and structures, structural and engineering solutions, energy saving, means of monumental d ecorative art


The article examines the work of the Ukrainian Zonal Research and Project Institute for Civil Engineering (KYIVZNDIEP) over the 60 years of its existence. The purpose of this article is to define the creative achievements of the KYIVZNDIEP team in the architecture of civil buildings and structures. Research methods. The research is based on a comprehensive analysis of socio-economic, urban planning, architectural-planning and normative-methodological issues. Such methods as comparative analysis of project solutions and implemented objects, systematization and generalization of scientific research were used to solve the mentioned issues. The results. The KYIVZNDIEP Institute was founded in 1963 during the period of development of standard design and industrialization of construction in the former USSR and continued at a new stage in Independent Ukraine. The phenomenon of creativity of Ukrainian architects, who applied the latest methodological principles of design and created original architectural and artistic works during the period of totalitarianism in the 1960s and 1980s, has been revealed. With the acquisition of Independence and the arrival of the third millennium, the architects of KYIVZNDIEP were freed from the rigid bureaucratic pressure of state structures and their monopoly on the customer. Typical panel houses are replaced by individual residential buildings with a monolithic frame, walls with environmentally friendly insulation, which made it possible to apply the principles of "flexible planning. In public buildings and structures, a comfortable environment is created to serve all segments of the population, including people with disabilities, and the architecture acquires artistic expressiveness. Conclusions. As a result of the research, it was determined that the creative activity of the KYIVZNDIEP institute as a zonal multifaceted one, primarily concerns the design and construction of residential buildings and public buildings and structures in Ukraine, Moldova, Uzbekistan, the south of the Russian Federation, and Kazakhstan. In the 1970s and 1980s, the field of activity of the institute expanded significantly. It became the leading organization of the former USSR for the design and construction of civil buildings and structures in difficult engineering and geological conditions, for the automation of project work, energy saving and the introduction of efficient structures in construction. The period of Independence was marked by the development of the planning and construction of the energy cities of Slavutych and Energodar, the design and construction of the Liaoning University in the People’s Republic of China, the design of a residential area in the city of Astana (Kazakhstan), a cardiology center in the city of Poltava, and the formation of the concept of creating the National System of Regulatory Framework of Ukraine.


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