


Agricultural production, soilless systems, hydroponics, densit y, residential building, facade


The purpose of this article is to determine the potential for the use of hydroponic systems of agricultural production elements in the structure of the building, as well as to determine their impact on the design of residential building facades. Research methods. The basis is a decomposition analysis of soilless cultivation systems used in foreign architectural and industrial practice. The method of simulation modeling is used to visualize the components of the systems, which can be hidden and which are possible or impossible to integrate into the building. Results. Based on the studied features of soilless systems, spatial schemes have been developed for each case, which make it possible to integrate these growing systems into a building; the impact on the architectural characteristics of the building has been determined. In order to understand the impact of these systems on the architecture and appearance of the building, the author carried out simulation modeling of all system elements, taking into account the scale of the system elements and structural elements of the building. The example of existing facilities with agricultural elements shows how technologies affect the visual image of the building. Conclusions. The considered soilless cultivation systems affect facade solutions primarily through the introduction of a large amount of landscaping, which, from an architectural point of view, puts forward certain requirements for their arrangement, shape and colour. As for the specifics of the integration of the systems themselves, their impact on façade solutions is limited to the arrangement of small building forms (terraces, balconies, loggias) and measures to disguise technical equipment. In any case, the introduction of such systems for agricultural production will provide benefits and conveniences that will encourage residents to run such a farm. This will contribute to the development of greenery, urban air purification and microclimate improvement.


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