



Hanna Sobachko-Shostak’s drawings, stylistic analysis, technological research, XRF, FTIR, attribution


The purpose of this article is to attribute two Hanna Sobachko-Shostak’s drawings and to introduce the results of the research into scientific circulation. Methods. The research is based on a general scientific integrated approach that combines theoretical and empirical methods, including analysis, synthesis, generalization, induction, and deduction. Technological research included a combination of non-destructive optical and physical-chemical methods. Comparative and stylistic analyses were used for the attribution of drawings. Results. The study revealed the characteristic features of the compositional structure and colour palette of the drawings Flowers in a Wreath and Decorative Panel with Flowers by Hanna Sobachko- Shostak. The fiber pulp and elemental composition of the paper support were determined by physical and chemical methods. It was established by ATR-FTIR analysis that the paper of both drawings was sized with animal glue. The mixture of gypsum and kaolin was identified as paper filler of Flowers in a Wreath drawing. Chalk with small amounts of gypsum and kaolin were found as fillers in Decorative Panel’s paper. The degree of paper aging was determined by the comparative analysis of FTIR-spectra with reference-dated paper samples from the ART-LAB database. Zinc white, synthetic yellow mono-azo dye (PY1), red lead, vermillion, eosin, a mixture of massicot and Prussian blue, synthetic ultramarine, and manganese violet were identified in paint layers of drawings by XRF and ATR-FTIR analysis. Brass and nickel silver were used as metallic pigments. It has been established that the Flowers in a Wreath drawing was created in 1917–1920s, and the Decorative Panel with Flowers in 1917 – early 1920s. Conclusions. A comprehensive approach to the research of Hanna Sobachko-Shostak’s drawings was applied for the first time. It allowed to confirm the authorship of the artist, to identify stylistic and technological features inherent in the early period of the artist's work. The composition of the paper support and the pigments of the paint layer were determined as well as the time of the drawings’ creation. The results of the research can be applied by art historians, restorers, and curators of museum collections in their scientific and expert activities to clarify the attribution of Hanna Sobachko-Shostak’s drawings.


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