



graphics, drawing, landscape, abstract composition, Oleksiy Fishchenko


The purpose of this article is to explore the figurative and stylistic peculiarities of the artworks of the artist Oleksiy Fishchenko through comprehensive study and analysis of his works in portrait and landscape genres. Methods. The research is based on the combining of various scientific research methods and approaches, including phenomenology, iconography, art historical, and stylistic analyses. Their application has allowed to fulfill an objective historical-artistic and theoretical interpretation of the art of Oleksiy Fishchenko. Results. The article establishes that Fishchenko’s graphics in the period from the 1970s to the 2000s underwent significant stylistic and formational changes. Gradually, drawing ceased to be merely a simple illustrative technique and became a means of expressing the artist’s inner world, engaging in a dialogue with the viewer through symbols, images, and signs. The author of the works focuses on the essence and significance of the images, which is reflected in the skillful use of lines, strokes, and spots. This approach allows the creation of graphic works filled with philosophical content and emotional depth. It is worth noting that the artist begins with realistic landscapes, later draws inspiration from Japanese printmaking in the landscape genre, and gradually transitions into the realm of abstract art. In portraits from the 1980s to the 2000s, transformations occur under the influence of 20th-century Western European art, incorporating elements of decorative stylization, deformation of forms, and abstract backgrounds. Conclusions. Based on the analysis of Oleksiy Fishchenko’s creativity, it is concluded that his artistic approach is innovative and original, characterized by a tendency towards abstract art. Considering these characteristics, the creative heritage of the graphic artist deserves attention and recognition in the context of contemporary Ukrainian graphics.


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