academicism, sculpture, painting academic school, fine arts, design, modern conditions, technologies, educationAbstract
The purpose of this article is to analyze the relevance, problems and challenges of the academic school in modern conditions, focusing on the strategies for the development of fine arts and design in art institutions. The main results indicate the need to adapt the training program to the modern requirements of art practice, increase the role of practical classes and an individual approach to students, develop new methods, approaches to training, and preserve the traditional academic art school. Methods. The research methods include literature analysis, surveys of experts and students, as well as observation of teaching and learning practices. Results. The main results of the article "Academic school in modern conditions: strategies for the development of fine arts, design in art institutions of higher education of Ukraine" relate to strategies for the development of higher art education. Based on the analysis of the problems and challenges faced by academic schools in modern conditions, the following developmen t strategies are considered. Adaptation of curriculum. The necessity of adapting educational programs to the contemporary demands of artistic practice and market needs. Increased emphasis on practical sessions: Significant focus on practical sessions to provide students with practical skills and experience. Individualized approach to students. Ensuring an individualized approach to students to develop their creative abilities and potential. Development of new teaching methodologies. Implementation of new teaching methodologies and approaches that align with the requirements of contemporary art and design. Preservation of the traditions of the academic school. Support and preservation of the values and traditions of the academic school in the context of modern conditions. Continuous renewal. Ensuring continual renewal of educational programs and teaching methodologies in line with changes in the artistic environment and societal needs. These development strategies aim to enhance the quality of higher art education and prepare qualified professionals in the field of art and design. Conclusions. The article underscores the importance of continual updating and preservation of the academic school following educational reforms in Ukraine within both the artistic environment and society at large. Additionally, it emphasizes the necessity for further research in this direction.
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