


Ukrainian art, twentieth-century Lviv graphic school, linocut, fine Shevchenkoiana, folk art traditions, collections of the National Museum of Taras Shevche nko


The purpose of this article is to study Sofia Karaffa-Korbut's illustrations to Taras Shevchenko's poetic works of the 1960s, which are kept in the collection of the National Museum of Taras Shevchenko. Research methods. The study is based on the methods of artistic, stylistic and comparative analysis of works of art, which allowed to identify the main features and peculiarities of artistic language in the works of S. Karaffa-Korbut. Results. The graphic sheets from the Shevchenkoiana of S. Karaffa-Korbut, which are kept in the collection of the National Museum of Taras Shevchenko, are considered and analyzed. The illustrations reveal the peculiarities of the graphic language of S. Karaffa-Korbut's works, which was formed under the influence of world art trends and folk traditions of Ukraine. The specifics of the style of the artist's works are determined. Conclusions. The study examines the illustrative Shevchenkoiana by S. Karaffa-Korbut, which is kept in the collection of the National Museum of Taras Shevchenko. S. Karaffa- Korbut is one of the brightest interpreters of Taras Shevchenko's poetry in Ukrainian graphics. Drawing on the best achievements of Ukrainian and world graphic culture, S. Karaffa-Korbut gave her linocut works a unique originality. The artist has her own worldview, and her work is characterized by ideological, artistic and philosophical integrity. The artist's works are characterized by the following artistic and stylistic features: pronounced decorativism, the use of elements of Ukrainian folk art, monumental laconicism in the construction of compositions. The research can serve as a theoretical basis for art historians and students studying Ukrainian graphics of the twentieth century, the Lviv graphic school, the work of the Sixties artists, and illustrations to Taras Shevchenko's poetry. The creation of digital copies of S. Karaffa-Korbut's graphic works makes it possible to study them and introduce them into scientific circulation in the face of difficulties in familiarizing oneself with the originals.


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