


M. Hlushchenko, V. Chegodar, P. Bonnar, colorism, landscape, still life, Ukrainian painting of the 20th century


Many artists worked in the field of Ukrainian art of the second half of the 20th century, but the figures of two outstanding painters and brilliant colorists, Vasyl Chegodar and Mykola Hlushchenko, who worked mainly in the genres of landscape and still life, stand out among them. They were one of the few artists who were really deeply interested in the problems of color in painting. In the 1970s, their destinies crossed, which in a certain way affected the creativity of both painters. M. Glushchenko, who had direct connections with Europe, became for V. Chegodar a guide to the world of French art. In particular, he opened the way to the work of P. Bonnard, whose achievements became an important reference point for V. Chegodar in the field of his own coloristic searches. On the other hand, M. Hlushchenko himself did not escape the influence of P. Bonnar's painting. The purpose of the article is to reveal the nature of the creative and personal relations of V. Chegodar and M. Hlushchenko based on the analysis of archival documents, letters of V. Chegodar, articles in periodicals and works of art. Research methods: comparative – to establish thematic, genre and pictorial parallels; figurative and stylistic – to reveal the features of an individual painting style; historical – to clarify the facts of the biographies of the masters and events related to the creation of paintings; inductive – when summarizing painterly approaches and color solutions of artists. As a result of the conducted research, for the first time in Ukrainian art history, it was found that V. Chegodar was inspired by the coloristic, pictorial solutions of his colleague, and M. Hlushchenko, in turn, was interested in and used in his work the achievements of V. Chegodar in the field of subject matter and compositional techniques. Some common painting principles, which were guided by both masters, were also revealed. Along with this, joint approaches in the field of coloristics of V. Chegodar and P. Bonnar were revealed. The article publishes for the first time unknown works of Ukrainian masters and archival materials that are in the private collection of V. Chegodar's grandson, Petro Voloshyn.


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