


Mykolay Kochubey, applied graphics, easel graphics, jubilee coins design, post stamp design, Ukrainian culture


The purpose of the article is a comprehensive study of Mykolay Kochubey’s artworks, which consists of easel and applied graphics, coin and medal design. Research methods. The study of the cultural aspect of the creative activity of M. Kochubey is based on a complex approach, namely, using the historical and cultural method, the comparative method of research, synthesis, figurative and stylistic analysis and art criticism. The results. The artist's works were systematized according to the types of graphic art, themes, genres, and figurative and stylistic features. M. Kochubey's creativity is diverse and forms a branched artistic and figurative system, in which a wide range of means of expression, form-creating methods and techniques is used. The keynote of the artist's work is the national traditions, Ukrainian culture from the past to the present. The range of topics covered by the master of graphics is wide – pre-Christian beliefs, religious worldview, song creativity, customs, ceremonies, everyday life and clothing of Ukrainians, architectural monuments, prominent figures of culture, science and arts of Ukraine. The amplitude of the figurative and stylistic solutions used by the artist is diverse – from a realistic interpretation to the use of the semantics of religious images, from the symbolic to the stylized-decorative direction with the interpretation of folk art. The easel and applied graphics of M. Kochubey stand out by the expressive authoring tools, compositional directing, artistic and aesthetic concepts and graphic language.


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