


public (social) poster, anti-war propaganda, media, visualizat ion, imaginativeness


The purpose of this article is to analyze the poster as a tool of propaganda and a form of visual communication. Methodology. A hermeneutic approach was chosen to reveal the stated topic, which can be applied in the field of culture not only for textual but also for visual information. Axiological, sociocultural, semiotical, and comparative methods are used to solve the problematic question about the essence of the propaganda poster. Results. The authors note that the poster actively forms mass consciousness, is included in the social symbolic system, has a powerful influence on public opinion, calls to action, and represents past and present creative experiences also. It is proven that the semantic space of the poster is a visualization of a significant idea, a generalized reproduction of an object or phenomenon in form and color. A modern poster as a product of culture should emphasize aesthetics, imaginativeness, non-standard, graphic variability, preserve symbolic meanings, and be relevant to the audience. The communicativeness, and style of the poster presented at exhibitions and web resources are briefly considered. The world’s poster campaigns in support of Ukraine in the conditions of Russian aggression in 2022–2024 have been summarized. Conclusions. The visual language of color in the poster has psycho-emotional, associative, and semantic principles, combined with verbal factors, arguing for the practical use of color possibilities in this effective means of modern propaganda of Ukrainian national identity. To activate creative thinking and one’s public position, it is proposed to hold an International virtual anti-war social poster competition among students of European institutions of higher education.


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