


architecture, sustainable modernisation, renovation, regeneration, residential building


The purpose of the article is to highlight the need to renovate a mass panel residential building of the Soviet era. Methods. The descriptive-explanatory method provides information on the need to modernisation housing based on the analysis of data on the possibilities and feasibility of renovation of panel residential buildings. Results. Old residential buildings, mainly of panel houses, constitute a significant part of the housing stock of Ukraine. The situation is similar in other post-Soviet countries, as well as in European countries, especially with the heritage of the Soviet mass panel housing development. Great attention should be paid to the recovery of residential buildings that are part of neighbourhoods. In scientific researches and studies regarding recovery of old residential buildings various similar concepts are used: renovation, regeneration, modernisation and others. Therefore it is necessary to define a concept that would correspond to new trends and involves the achievement of the goals of sustainable urban development. The article analyses and highlights the current situation and foreign experience in the recovery of residential buildings. The emphasis is mainly on rehabilitation in the energy efficiency context and the general needs for regeneration, such as the recovery of old residential buildings to avoid the degradation of old neighbourhoods and increasing the value of housing for the economic growth of cities. At the same time, the issue of global recovery, taking into account not only the current needs, but also with a view to the future in terms of full and not partial achievement of the goals of sustainable urban development, is almost not considered. Conclusions. Sustainable development has made adjustments to the view on the recovery and urban development. It became necessary to define the concepts related to architecture and urban planning regarding the recovery of housing according to new trends. Definition of indicators given a modern view of housing renovation on the basis of sustainable development has been formed, which can be described as the sustainable modernisation of residential buildings.


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