faculty of architecture, architectural school, architect, art educational institution, architectural typology, architectural design, architectural form, educational and creative workshop, diploma project, curriculumAbstract
The article is dedicated to the study of the history of the founding of the Kyiv Architectural School, which was formed in the system of an artistic educational institution. Based on the scarce source of information and materials collected by the authors of this article from the time of studying at the Faculty of Architecture and subsequent years of working as teachers, the main periods of the establishment of the architectural school were determined, the principles of the organization of the educational process were revealed and the role of faculty groups in the upbringing of a professional architect at various historical stages of the faculty was highlighted. According to the results of the study, it was established that the formation of the identity of an architect within the walls of the Academy has always been based on high training in artistic disciplines, in particular in drawing and painting, and the development of the specialty took place in educational and creative workshops for architectural design under the guidance of experienced architects. The path of creation of the architectural school of NAFAA was marked by the social influences of its time, and accordingly, several periods of the history of the Faculty of Architecture were traced in the chronological dimension. The pre-war period of the faculty (1924–1930 and 1934–1941) was associated with the formation and approval of the architectural school in the structure of the Kyiv State Fine Arts Institute. In the postwar period, since 1945, the primary tasks that the faculty faced were the revival of the traditions of the formation of an architect-artist and the creation of a team of educators capable of providing a high level of professional training for architects. The highest achievements of the architectural school of the Kyiv State Fine Arts Institute marked the next period (1960–1980s). With the increase in student enrollment, w hich in 1966 for the first year reached 50 people, the number of members of the faculty departments was also growing. The inspiring atmosphere of creativity at the faculty provided a high level of professional training for graduates of this era. Since the 1990s, the architectural school of the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture has been evolving in line with the development of the Ukrainian state; improving the process of forming a specialist, taking into account the architectural trends of the present and the orientation towards integration into the European community.
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