


historical rural settlements, planning organization, cultural monuments of local and general national importance, cultural heritage, authentic toponymy, natural environment


This article presents the concept of regeneration of historical rural settlements with an emphasis on the settlements of Kyiv Region, as a historical ethno-cultural region of Ukraine. Their development features, traditional folk architecture and historical and cultural significance in the context of current regional and national development are analyzed. During the last century, the planning structure of settlements has changed significantly, and as a result of large-scale destruction due to the Russian-Ukrainian war, some settlements need significant reconstruction. In the context of these extremely negative factors for the historically complex development of rural settlements, we will analyze the principles of their restoration in the context of modern regional development. The purpose of the article is to define the basic principles of regeneration of historical rural settlements in the Kyiv region. The research methodology is based on the study of literary sources, comparison of old maps of the nineteenth century with modern topography. The article uses notes from a volunteer action to regenerate the historic center of the village of Byshiv in Kyiv region and from participation in the construction of an ecological and energy-efficient private house in Kyiv region. Conclusions. Nowadays the main problem of regeneration of historic villages is the lack of a methodology for determining the historic area of a village. There is no system of measures to regenerate the historic area as a geographically defined set of monuments of historic villages. The restoration of settlements in the Kyiv region should be based on the principles of historical relevance and practical feasibility of the measures taken.


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