contemporary art of Ukraine, museum, institutional critique, intervention, museum studies, conceptual art, museum archivesAbstract
The purpose of the article is to study the artistic practice of intervention as a way of researching and rethinking the museum space, its collection and archive; to analyze the preconditions for the emergence of the practice of intervention; to compare the methods and ways of implementing the intervention of the artist Fred Wilson in US museums with the practices of Ukrainian artists in the National Art Museum of Ukraine. Research methods. The article uses historical, comparative, analytical and descriptive, generalization methods and interviews with artists to systematize and identify the main features of the practice of artistic intervention. Main results. The article examines the historical background of the practice of artists' interventions in art institutions, analyzes the methods and types of interaction between artists and the museum space, its premises, collections, archives, and overall strategy. Conclusions. The analysis of the research material reveals the topic of interaction between contemporary art and collections, expositions, architecture and ideology of classical museum institutions in the form of interventions. Interventions are created to explore the issues of museum acquisition, interpretation, and exhibition policy, often challenging the traditional impartiality of the institutional context. Interventions can take place not only in museums of historical and contemporary art, but also in other museum institutions with specialized collections. The article analyzes the experience of the National Art Museum of Ukraine's interaction with artists in rethinking and recontextualizing its exposition and archive. Other museum institutions in Ukraine also demonstrate openness to cooperation with their collections and space, which may be the subject of further research.
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