architecture, folk architecture, sacred wooden architecture, traditional wooden temples, national traditions, architectural form, structural framework, identity, national culture, succession.Abstract
Abstract. The objective is to determine the signs of national identity in traditional wooden temples preserved on Ukrainian territory as architectural monuments. The methodology is based on the generalization of the results of the author's field studies of numerous monuments of traditional temple construction in different ethnic regions of Ukraine and the analytical understanding of the work of many generations of scientists who dealt with the topic of wooden temple buildings. The effective basis for determining the national identity of the traditional wooden temples of Ukraine is the architectural form of the temple buildings as the material basis for the organization of the highly open internal space, which is organically related to the external plastic solution of the temples and its log structural framework. Conclusions. The architectural form of Ukrainian wooden temples is the principal keeper of traditions and an expression of national identity that is interpreted in traditional wooden temple construction as an integral dimension of the characteristic conventional features of the architectural form of wooden temple buildings, indicating their belonging to the national culture of the Ukrainian people. Despite the regional variety in traditional temple buildings, they are all united by common all-Ukrainian traditions of creating an architectural form that indicates their Ukrainian national i dentity. The heritage of traditional wooden temple construction, which has absorbed the centuries-old national experience of building temples on Ukrainian lands and is identified with the national culture, is an inexhaustible source of inspiration for the creation of modern sacred architecture, the construction of a new identity based on the continuity of traditions.
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