architecture, organic architecture, history of architecture, organic direction in design, biomorphism, recycling, energy saving.Abstract
Abstract. The purpose of this article is to determine the main directions of organic architecture and design and to analyze the stages of their development during the 20th century until today. Research methods. The research is based on the methods of comparative analysis, generalization and formalization, which allowed to identify the features and distinguish the differences of each stage of the development of organic architecture. The results. The article determined that the concept of organic architecture arose in American, and later in European architecture of the beginning of the 20th century. The “organic” orientation was first formulated in the 1890s by the American architect Louis Henry Sullivan (1856–1924). Later, the principles of organic architecture were formulated in the works of F.-L. Wright, developed in the works of A. Aalto, R. Neutro, L. Fiumara and others. For the first time, the author identifies four main directions in modern organic architecture. The first is based on the idea of a harmonious combination of nature, architecture and man. Here, the term “organic” means “subject to the conditions of the natural landscape”, i.e. the climatic conditions of the environment and the set of its aesthetic qualities. The founder of this trend was Frank Lloyd Wright. The period of origin and prosperity – the 20s of the twentieth century. The second stage, formed in the 50’s and 60’s – biomorphism – was based on the imitation of natural forms as samples. These are Charles and Reims Imsey, Santiago Calatrava and others. The third trend, which emerged in the late twentieth century, protects nature through the use of energy-saving technologies (Ross Lovegrove and others). The fourth is recycling, which, starting with the idea of secondary processing of waste, gradually expanded to the construction industry. Conclusions. Analyzing organic architecture in the process of evolution and at the present stage, the author proves that there is a gradual convergence of the first and second directions, i.e. simultaneously with the landscape approach and contextuality, the shape of buildings becomes more plastic, reminiscent of natural forms. Energy-saving technologies became an integral part of organic architecture. But the most important thing is a person’s connection with the environment and the bui lding and a sense of inner comfort.
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