graphics, linocut, print, abstract composition.Abstract
Abstract. The purpose of this article is to explore the creative work of Oleksiy Fishchenko, one of the prominent Ukrainian graphic artists, and to conduct an objective historical, artistic, and theoretical analysis of his oeuvre. Methods. The research is based on the use of various scientific research methods and approaches, including historicism, phenomenology, iconography, art history, and stylistic analysis which made it possible to gain an objective historical, artistic, and theoretical understandin g of O. Fishchenko's work. Results. The article analyzes the figurative and stylistic features of the artist's linocuts from the 1960s to the 1980s within the artistic context of that period, as well as their connection to the artist's previous stages of creativity. The study identified the main characteristics of O. Fishchenko's style from the 1960s to the 1980s, including the architectural structure of the artwork, the rhythm of color and form, the artistic expressiveness of the line, and the use of planar elements, etc. In his works, the artist moved away from realistic depiction and revealed his own vision of the changing nature and expressive dynamics of color movement in nature. Based on the study and application of Western European artists' printing methods, he developed his own manner, combining features of decorative art, traditional Japanese printmaking, and abstract painting. The figurative and stylistic features and compositional explorations embodied in the artist's graphics made a significant contribution to the development of Ukrainian graphi c art in the second half of the 20th century. Conclusions. Based on the analysis of O. Fishchenko's artistic work, it is concluded that his artistic method, mastery of execution, and author’s original linocut technique are unique, distinguishing him from other Ukrainian artists of that time. Overall, O. Fishchenko's innovative and original creative work was close to abstract art and deserves attention and recognition.
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