
  • Olena Gomyreva


visual art, color studies, complementary colors, contrast, art analysis, Ukrainian art, Western European art.


Abstract. The purpose of this article is to define the main results of using the contrast of complementary colors and to deepen the understanding of their role in paintin g. Methods. The study is based on the methods of stylistic analysis and comparative analysis of works of art, which enabled to reveal the influence of contrast on visual eff ects and imagery of works. Results. The process of creating the painting and its subsequent art analysis require not only elicitation of color contrasts present in the image, but also a clear understanding of the purpose and consequences of the use of these contrasts: their role, their coloristic and spatial influence on the image, the psychological effect on the viewer, the way they reveal the meaning of the picture. Based on the analysis of paintings by O. Murashko, M. Saryan, A. Matisse, Rembrandt and medieval book miniatures both the extensive use of complementary contrast as the coloristic basis of painting and more limited variations of the use of this contrast, as well as its interaction with other types of contra st have been researched. Conclusions. The analysis has allowed to formulate a number of consequences of the use of complementary contrast, such as different emotional effects of contrast variations on the viewer (active excitement, stabilization, light joy, sublime celebration); in case the contrast is used extensively in the picture, it ensures the integrity and balance of color; with limited local use, contrast can enrich the painting based on a limited palette, as well as regulate its effect; complementary contrast is of great importance in regulating the work of other contrasts, especially the contrast of warm and cold colors and simultaneous contrast; it also plays an important role in the conveying the spatial effects and influences the ratio of spatiality and decorativeness of the image. The research is a useful theoretical basis for art historians, especially students who master the method of stylistic analysis of works of art, as well as for artists and students of art specialties in the process of artistic activity.


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