
  • Rao Yi


China, art and pedagogical connections, art, art education in China, art education in Ukraine, painting, art teaching.


Abstract. The aim of the article is to analyze the influence of Ukraine's higher art education on the Chinese educational system. The following methods were used to achieve the goal: theoretical analysis of scientific literature; comparative analysis of the process of art education in the higher art education systems of Ukraine and China. Results. The article analyzes the development of cultural relations between Ukraine and China, the exchange of experience in the field of art and art education. It is found that cross-cultural ties between Ukraine and China existed since the Middle Ages. The transformation of cultural ties and the exchange of art-pedagogical experience between Ukraine and China during the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union, and independent Ukraine are traced. At the same time, the painting of the sovereign authentic Ukrainian people in the process of development formed its own original artistic language and national features. The Ukrainian system of higher art education is an integral factor influencing the development of Chinese easel painting. The socialist period in Ukraine, which existed from the beginning of the 20th century, had a significant impact on the system of Chinese teaching of painting. This was mainly reflected in two aspects: in the process of modeling and in the trends of creating artistic works. Conclusions. An attempt is made to explain the influence of Ukraine's higher art education on Chinese art and teaching process in art schools in China. The analysis examines how the experience gained by Chinese students in Ukrainian art universities during different historical periods influenced the Chinese educational system. It is established that Chinese artists adopt Ukrainian experience in sketching, drawing, and oil painting: the Ukrainian system of painting and higher art education laid the foundations for the development of art and art education in China.


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