
  • Viktoriya Mazur


Contemporary art, Fine art of Ukraine and Poland of the late 20th and early 21st centuries, architecture, monumental church (sacred) art, decorated of the church, synthesis, artist Anatoly Kryvolap, artist Igor Stupachenko, artist Jerzy Novoselskyi, architect Bohdan Kotarba.


Abstract. The purpose of this article is to direct attention to the coloristic and ideological content of the temple complexes. The manners and individual artistic language of each of the masters who created exquisite church spaces are singled out. Methods. This research has been conducted using the historical and comparative methods, as well as the art critic approaches of figurative, stylistic and formal analysis. Results. The article examines the peculiarities of church monumental decoration of the late 20th and early 21st centuries on the territory of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland in the creative style of leading masters of Ukrainian and Polish Contemporary art. The art of Anatoly Kryvolap and Ihor Stupachenko in the Church of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary in the village of Lypivka (Makariv district, Kyiv region, Ukraine). Works of art and compositional design of the interior of the Church of the Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Biły Bor (Poland) by Jerzy Nowovoselski and architect Bohdan Kotarba. This article is based on research of two complexes of Contemporary sacred architecture in Ukraine and Poland: the Church of the Virgin Protectress at the village of Lypivka (Makariv region, Kyiv Oblast, Ukraine) with decorated by artists Anatoly Kryvolap and Ihor Stupachenko, and the Church of the Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Biały Bór (Poland) whose decorated are the result of creative cooperation of Jerzy Nowosielski with architect Bohdan Kotarba. Conclusions. It was found that the figure of Anatoly Kryvolap actually fits Ukrainian church art into the context of the development of Contemporary Ukrainian and European art. Anatoliy Kryvolap and Jerzy Novoselsky are united by a common search and an artistic language. Related masterpieces were created in Poland and Ukraine. Contemporary art of Ukraine is part of world culture. The future of Ukrainian art in the mutual complementation of the artistic heritage of the culture of the Ukrainian and Polish peoples.


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