


artworks of Tetyana Yablonska, impressionism, winter landscapes, artistic expression, creative method, stylistics, visual elements of art


The purpose of the article. The research aims to study Tetyana Yablonska’s winter landscapes 1990s works in the context of the master’s creative method through the analysis of visual elements of art and art-stylistic features of her works. Research methods. The development of the declared research purpose involves the application of the comprehensive scientific approach, iconographic method, and comparative, artistic and stylistic analyses. The results. In the last decade of the twentieth century, despite old age and declining health, Yablonska continued to paint. Among her works created at that time were also landscapes and still lifes painted at home. Artist repeatedly painted the views from her windows. Landscape took an important place in her creative work and has become one of mainstream genre. Series winter landscapes paintings of the 1990s is an original phenomenon of Yablonska's heritage. These landscapes are studies, which interpret the light and color, the beauty and poetry of everyday life. Artist started painting the winter landscapes in which she persisted in artistic experimentation with the use of means of artistic expression to create the special winter atmosphere, as well as with the power of the influence of the light and aerial environment on the transformation of color. Conclusions. The author concludes that the analysis of winter landscape paintings reveals signs of the Impressionism’s vision and methods of art, as well as means of artistic expression of Post-Impressionism. In these works, Yablonska seems to return to her impressionistic roots of the 1940s, the beginning of her creative path. On the example of landscapes, it is obvious that Yablonska absorbed artistic tradition and outside influences and reinterpreted them in innovative ways. It is stressed that in some paintings, because of artist’s style and how brushy strokes are rendered, the artistic interpretation of the landscape approaches abstract art.


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