sculptor A. Giacometti, portrait, drawing, sculpture, plastici ty, volume, form, textureAbstract
The purpose of this article is the analysis of the art works of the sculptor Alberto Giacometti, the examination of his portrait drawings and sculptures by comparing them with each other, as well as the study of the figurative language, the features of the artist's graphic and plastic skills. Research methods. The research is based on the methods of artistic, stylistic and comparative analysis of works of art, which made it possible to reveal the general and personal in the works of A. Giacometti and determine his place in the development of European art of the 20th century. The historical method contributed to the study of the features of the art heritage of A. Giacometti, which is necessary for understanding his work. The results. Alberto Giacometti's art methods, characterized in his drawings and sculptures, testified, on the one hand, to the influence of various artistic currents in the author's works, and on the other, to the effect of the social and cultural environment on the artist, which affected the expression of his ideas in plastic and graphic works. The analyzed methods of working on the drawing and sculpture of A. Giacometti made it possible to trace the individual artistic views of the sculptor and his philosophical concepts in the search for compositional solutions with graphic and plastic means and their combination. Conclusions. The European cultural tradition formed a value system focused on individuality and considered man as the central figure of the universe. This led to the fact that already at the end of the 19th century art began to avoid any normativity and uniformity, because it contradicted the interests of the self-affirmation of the individual and his individual existence, which gave a powerful impetus to the development of various directions in art. That is, the deviation from the norms was considered as a valuable reference point, which was complemented by a variety of forms, and this influenced the change in the expression of plastic images from the most sophisticated to the most simple. Therefore, the conscious deformation of the created plastic images in the work of A. Giacometti, excessively narrowed and elongated, with sharply changed proportions in space, alienated from the forms of the human body, enabled a new search for harmonious unity, a new vision of his sculptural plasticity. The theoretical significance of the research is that the materials and conclusions can be used in the educational process during the preparation of lecture courses on the history and theory of European fine art of the 20th century, as well as in the process of preparing educational courses and seminars on the history of art. The processed information complements and expands the existing understanding of the processes of formation of sculpture in the middle of the 20th century on the example of the art heritage of the sculptor A. Giacometti, as a part of world culture.
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