contemporary theater, transformation, universal theatrical hall, adaptive spaces, interactivity, multimedia effects, lighting and sound equipment, stage mechanics, art, flex ibilityAbstract
The article addresses the challenges associated with architectural constraints in theatrical buildings, which complicate the staging of performances of various genres and formats. Against the backdrop of the rapid development of contemporary productions, incorporating elements of interactivity and multimedia effects, there arises a need for creating universal theatrical venues capable of adapting to diverse requirements. The transformation of universal halls is deemed relevant and holds significant potential in the modern theatrical world. The article highlights innovative approaches to the transformation of theatrical venues, including the use of movable seating, variable stage platforms, and enhanced sound and lighting systems. These technical solutions enable the creation of adaptive spaces capable of meeting various needs and demands of contemporary productions. Additionally, the article conducts an analysis of theatrical spaces in Ukraine, focusing on examples of American projects of transformed universal theatrical halls developed by the architectural firm REX, showcasing the capabilities of these innovative approaches. In conclusion, it emphasizes that the development and transformation of universal theatrical halls are key elements in creating innovative spaces that expand the possibilities for staging diverse productions and provide an unparalleled theatrical experience. Such an approach allows theaters to adapt to changes in audience needs and the challenges facing contemporary art. Article оbjective. Determining innovative approaches to transforming universal theater halls into adaptive spaces capable of meeting various needs and genres of performances. Research мethodology. The research methodology involved studying literary sources, scientific publications, and information about theater hall projects that have been transformed to adapt to different types of performances. Additionally, analysis and comparison methods were used to identify key aspects of transforming theater halls with commonly accepted standards and innovations. Data collection utilized a wide range of sources, including scientific articles, websites of architectural firms specializing in theater design. Research findings and conclusions. The research has shown that innovative approaches to transforming universal theater halls have great potential in addressing issues related to architectural constraints and the needs of contemporary performances. Utilizing a wide range of technical solutions, such as movable seating, variable stage platforms, and advanced sound and lighting systems, facilitates the creation of adaptive spaces that cater to various needs and requirements of diverse theatrical performances. These innovations offer broad possibilities for expanding the cultural space and enhancing the quality of the theatrical experience. Therefore, the development and transformation of universal theater halls are crucial elements in creating innovative spaces that expand the possibilities for hosting diverse performances and ensure an unparalleled theatrical experience.
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