
  • Olena Kashshay National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture
  • Mariia Dotsenko National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture




museum, Kyiv National Art Gallery, the war of russia against Ukraine, russian military aggression, museums functioning during the war, exhibition, project, Ukrainian contemporary art, exposition


The purpose of the article is to investigate the activities of the Kyiv National Art Gallery after the beginning of the full-scale invasion on February 24, 2022 as a proper museum and exhibition space for the support and representation of Ukrainian contemporary fine arts; to note the role of artistic institutions in shaping the perception of art by the viewer. Research methods. Such research methods as analysis and synthesis were used, with the help of which it was possible to investigate separate areas of activity and functioning of the institution at different levels, a historical method for understanding the stages of development in different time periods, a method of analogy and comparison using the example of other museums. The results. It was possible to analyze various directions of activity of the Kyiv National Art Gallery, such as exhibition, scientific, creative, library, informational, educational, etc. From the beginning of its establishment to the present day, the museum makes a significant contribution to the cultural enrichment of the city of Kyiv, and in the context of current events, it also acts as a platform for the popularization of modern art, maintains close ties with Ukrainian artists and provides them with the opportunity for short-term exhibitions projects that are constantly changing and updated; carries out cultural diplomacy with other countries that provide their support, and the opportunity to use their own exhibition spaces for projects related to Ukraine, and also guarantee the preservation of evacuated collections. Conclusions. The Kyiv National Art Gallery contributes to the development and enrichment of the cultural sphere by implementing successful exhibition projects that are popular with visitors and form a new perspective on Ukrainian culture as a phenomenon that has a unique long history, but continues to develop and form, and needs research and rethinking, rejecting the influence of the soviet era and russian chauvinism.


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How to Cite

Kashshay, O., & Dotsenko, M. (2024). EXHIBITION ACTIVITY OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM «KYIV ART GALLERY» DURING THE FULL-SCALE INVASION. Вісник Національної академії образотворчого мистецтва і архітектури, (2), 65–72. https://doi.org/10.32782/naoma-bulletin-2024-2-10