
  • Leonid Prybega
  • Artem Hromnytsky



museumification, destroyed buildings and structures, environmental museum, collection museum, memorial monuments, objects of historical memory, cultural heritage, museum exhibition, museum exhibition (


The purpose of this article is to substantiate the buildings and structures destroyed by the aggressive actions of the Russian military forces as documentary evidence of Russia's barbarism and terrorism against Ukraine and to determine the principles of their museumification as objects of historical memory and memorial monuments. The base of the research methodology is the analysis of scientific works on the museification of architectural objects and comprehension of native and foreign experiences of museification of destroyed architectural objects of the past. As a result of the research, we determined that the museification of destroyed buildings and structures means the preservation of the surviving material components of architectural objects, their fragments and remains in an authentic state at the places of creation ("in situ") with the implementation of the necessary measures to strengthen and reinforce them, as well as the organisation of the adjacent territory within certain limits, which would guarantee safe access to the object and its inspection. Conclusions. The architectural objects destroyed by the aggressive actions of the Russian military forces should be qualified as documentary evidence of the Russian Federation's crimes against Ukraine, as objects of historical memory and memorial monuments. The museumification of destroyed buildings and structures and their remains is carried out exclusively in their habitats ("in situ"), in their characteristic environment. Museumification of ruined architectural objects should pursue preserving the ruins in their authentic state; the additions related to their fortification should stand out in the overall structure. To ensure the long-term preservation of material fragments and remains of destroyed structures and to create conditions for accessibility to the museumified objects and their inspection, it is necessary to strengthen the ruins, protect them from destruction, and organise viewing routes in compliance with the requirements for accessibility for people with limited mobility, as well as to create a public and transport service infrastructure on the memorial complex territory.


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