
  • Hanna Andres
  • Olga Galian




art history, collection, exhibition activity,


The purpose of this article is to collect, analyze and summarize information from various sources about the exhibition activities of the National Art Museum of Ukraine (NAMU) in the period from 1998 to 2016 on the return of the names of artists from oblivion, to show the role of the museum in popularizing the "forbidden" art. Research methods. Complex and empirical methods of scientific research were used in the process of conducting scientific research. The method of analysis made it possible to comprehensively study each exhibition project and its components. The synthesis method contributed to the systematization of the received information and the formulation of conclusions. The statistical method made it possible to determine the scale of the researched exhibition projects. Summarizing the collected information made it possible to single out one of the directions of the exhibition strategy of the NAMU – conducting exhibition projects to return the names of artists and their creative heritage from oblivion. The results. Analysis of the source base – catalogs for the exhibition projects of the NAMU "Special fund" (1998), "Special fund. 1937–1939" (2015), "Culture Ligue. Artistic avant-garde of the 1910s – 1920s." (December 2007 – January 2008), "Mark Epstein. The return of the master" (December 2010 – February 2011) made it possible to establish the typology of the outlined exhibitions, the number of works presented at the exhibition, and, accordingly, the scale and popularity of the exhibition project. The functions of curators in the organization of exhibition projects are revealed. The role of the NAMU in the restoration of historical justice and the elimination of "white spots" in the history of the fine arts of Ukraine is defined. Conclusions. In the process of scientific research, the exhibition projects of the NAMU were studied in detail on the issues of the special fund and the «Culture Ligue». This made it possible to determine the typology of exhibition projects: these are fund and thematic exhibitions. In addition to museum curators, independent curators also joined the exhibition projects of the «Culture Ligue». Carrying out the outlined exhibition projects contributed to the rethinking of the history of the fine arts of Ukraine. Returning the names of artists from oblivion is one of the strategic directio ns of NAMU.


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