
  • Tetiana Tymchenko
  • Elyzaveta Derymuka



restoration works, mansion, building, research, wall painting, interior decoration, documents, archives, collection of historical information, authentic appea rance, preservation


The purpose of this article is to analyze historical information and data regarding the original and current state of the stucco decor and wall paintings of the interiors of the Chocolate House Art Center (a branch of the Kyiv Art Gallery National Museum). It is also important to find out the time and nature of previous restoration works and to record the restoration process currently being carried out; determine the influence of the results of historical research on the quality and methodology of conservation and restoration of the interior decoration of the mansion. Research methods. The basis of the research methodology is the historiographical method (systematization of published data); historical and archival (study of archival sources – descriptive and illustrative, interviews of eyewitnesses); direct field pre-restoration studies were considered, which were accompanied by photo fixation, and a comparative analysis of the modern state of the interiors with their images in photographs and descriptions was carried out. The results. The results of the research provide a better understanding of the methodology of current restoration works and instructions for the reconstruction of individual elements of color and pattern of the ornaments of the interiors of the preserved halls of the mansion, which allows for their reproduction as close as possible to the original form. The result of our research allows us to reveal information about changes in the initial appearance of the interior decoration of the "Chocolate House" since the time of construction, which is important for both historians and restorers. Conclusions. The analysis of all the collected materials and their comparison with the data of the direct research of restoration interventions of different periods made it possible to confidently confirm the presence of primary wall painting in some areas of the interiors. The restoration reconstruction of the decor (both that which was carried out earlier and that which is being carried out now) is aimed at reproducing the original appearance and is oriented towards the preservation of the fragments of the ornament of the original wall painting. The paint layer on the plaster stucco is not clearly preserved, but the reproduction of the color to this day takes place either by analyzing the preserved exposed particles, or by studying the ornamentation from historical photographs. In order to clarify the authenticity of the remains of polychromy, a more thorough study of the stratigraphy and paint materials of the pictorial decoration is necessary.


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