Content and design requirements

  1. Content requirements

— The article must have a high scientific level.

— The scientific article must contain the following structural elements (in bold in the text):

a) a problem statement in a general form and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks (relevance of the topic);

b) analysis of the latest research and publications in which the solution to this problem was initiated and on which the author relies;

c) the purpose of the article;

d) the main text of the study with a full justification of the obtained scientific results;

e) conclusions of the study and prospects for further researches in this direction.

  1. Format requirements

— The article must be formatted in Microsoft Word text editor, file extension — .doc (docx).

— Font: Times New Roman, font size — 14, spacing — 1.5, margins: top, bottom, right — 2 cm, left — 2 cm.

UDC of the article (upper right corner), ORCID ID.

— Next line — after a paragraph spacing — the full name, surname and patronymic of the author; (right alignment, bold font, italics).

— Next line — scientific degree, academic title, the author’s position  (right alignment, normal font, italics).

— Next line, in brackets — place of work or study (right alignment,  normal font, italics).

— Further, if necessary, after a paragraph spacing, information about co-authors according to the scheme provided above;

 — For PhD students and undergraduate students – course, specialty, name of the department, supervisor (name, surname, academic degree and/or academic (honorary) title).

— Next line, the name of the institution of higher education or scientific institution;

— Next line, e-mail address of the author.

— Next line — after a paragraph spacing — the title of the article (all capital letters, centered, bold).

— Next line — after a paragraph spacing — the main text of the article.

— In-text cited references are displayed with numbers in square brackets indicating the number of the source in the reference list and page number. In-text cited references are made as follows: [4, p. 125], where 4 is the source number in the list, 125 is the page number. In-text references to several sources: [4, p. 125; 6, p. 102]. Sources are listed in the order in which references appear in the text.

— After the main text of the article — after a paragraph spacing — a list of the cited references (the bibliographic description of the list is formatted according to the National Standard of Ukraine DSTU 8302:2015). Online link generator according to DSTU 8302:2015: https://www. DOI (digital object identifier) must be submitted in the list of cited references - the digital identifier of the object, if it is assigned to the cited source.

Examples of design sources at the link.

Illustrative material is submitted as separate files in one of the following formats: TIFF, PDF, JPG.

Captions to the illustrations are submitted as a separate file in Microsoft Word format, according to the numbering of the illustrative material (Fig. 1, Fig. 2...).

In-text citations to illustrations are given in round brackets: (Fig. 1), (Fig. 2), etc.

Pay attention! In the caption to each illustration, the author must indicate its origin or submit permission for publication from the legal successor. The reference to the source of origin is given in square brackets (according to the rules of bibliographic description National Standard of Ukraine DSTU-2015). The source of origin is included in the list of cited references. If the photo of the illustration was taken by the author, it is indicated: (Author's photo) / (photograph taken by author).

An example of a caption under an illustrative material: Fig. 1. Vasyl Korchovyi. Confident. Gabro. 170 cm. 2021 [3, 123].

Each table must have a number and a name.

An example of a caption under the table:

Table 1. Name of the table______________________________ (bold italics)

- After a paragraph spacing - References. A separate block provides the transliterated and translated into English version of the references, formatted in accordance with APA’s (American Psychological Association) international style requirements of scientific publications.

Works in Ukrainian should be transliterated using standard Ukrainian transliteration. English translation of the transliterated name of the cited reference should be also provided in square brackets. The same rule applies to the names of the publications (magazine, journal, etc.). Finally, the original language in Latin letters is  indicated in square brackets, for example: [in Ukrainian]; [in Chinese]. References should contain the same list of cited references in Ukrainian, including sources in English.

— Next line after References — after a paragraph spacing — abstract (indicating the name, surname, scientific degree, academic title and position of the author, for postgraduate students and students – year, specialty, name of the department, title of the article) and keywords (from 3 to 10 terms) in Ukrainian and English. Abstracts in English and Ukrainian must be at least 1,600 characters long (including spacings) and contain a short summary of the purpose, methods, results (novelty) and main conclusions of the work.

Articles published or submitted for publication elsewhere will not be accepted.

Articles which do not meet the specified format requirements will not be accepted for publication.

The editors of the journal welcome using the references to articles from the “Collection of Scientific Works “Ukrainian Academy of Arts” and Bulletin of the NAOMA in the list of sources.




УДК 7.025’174

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1814-4331

Тимченко Тетяна Ростиславівна

кандидат мистецтвознавства, доцент,

завідувач кафедри техніки та реставрації творів мистецтва

Національної академії образотворчого мистецтва і архітектури




Мінімум 1800 друкованих знаків (з проміжками)

Ключові слова: консервація, реставрація, консерватор-реставратор, вища освіта, кодекс етики, Е.С.С.О., ENCoRE.


Теtiana Tymchenko

PhD in Art Studies, Associate Professor, Head of

the Department of Technique and Restoration of Works of Art

National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture


At least 1800 printed charters(including spaces)

Key words: conservation, restoration, conservator-restorer, higher education, code of ethics, Е.С.С.О., ENCoRE.

Структура статті

Постановка проблеми. [4, c. 125]

Аналіз останніх досліджень та публікацій.

Мета статті.

Виклад основного матеріалу.

Головні висновки і перспективи використання результатів дослідження.

Список використаних джерел

  1. Вітченко Д. М. Ремінісценції будинку Г.П. Ґалагана в с. Лебединцях в архітектурних проектах В. Г. Кричевського. Містобудування та територіальне планування. 2016. Вип. 60. С. 27–34.


  1. Vitchenko, D. M. (2016). Reminiscenciyi budy'nku G.P. G'alagana v s. Lebedy'ncyax v arxitekturny'x proektax V. G. Kry'chevs'kogo [Inheritance of the building owned by G.P. Galagan in the village Lebedintsy  in  the  architectural  projects  of    G.  Krichevsky]. Mistobuduvannya  ta  tery'torial'ne  planuvannya. [Urban planning and territorial planning], 60, 27–34 [in Ukrainian].