
  • Hanna Andres
  • Olena Derevska



museum, national identity, cultural heritage, exhibition, collection, museum collection storage, culture, art, symbol.


Abstract. The purpose of the article is to present the history and principles of acquisition of the collection of the Estonian National Museum, to study the museum's implementation of the function of national identity formation, to highlight the principles of preservation, conservation (restoration), educational work in the Estonian National Museum, its publishing activities, the use of the museum as a cultural centre, etc. Methods. Based on the principles of comprehensiveness and systematicity, with the help of dialectical and interdisciplinary approaches, the research is conducted by means of a historical chronological method, empirical-descriptive and research synthesis methods. Results of the research present the basic principles and practices of the Estonian National Museum, its work methods in the process of forming national identity. Conclusions. National cultural heritage is a powerful factor in the formation of national identity, thus introduction of cultural practices of heritage preservation, modern principles of preservation, conservation (restoration), educational work based on the example of the Estonian National Museum, development of new memorial concepts of Ukrainian museums will contribute to the growth of visits to Ukrainian museums, a positive image of the country in the world and strengthening national consciousness.


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