national shaping and decoration, Ukrainian culture, decorative and applied art, aesthetics, design, artistic and stylistic features.Abstract
Abstract. The purpose of article is to study the characteristics of the Ukrainian national style in the aspects of formation and decoration, to highlight the main components and methods that give it its identity, as well as to discuss the problems and challenges that this field faces in modern cultural studies. Methods. An integrated approach was used in the research to gather knowledge from ethnography, history, cultural studies, sociology, psychology and aesthetics. With the help of systemic and structural analysis, the principles of the formation of modern design were considered, focusing on authentic images in urban design, illustrating with examples of the works of masters of the 20th–21st centuries. Results. The article is devoted to the issue of the peculiarities of the formation of the Ukrainian national style of form-making and decoration in decorative and applied art. In the context of globalization and the strengthening of cultural relationships between different peoples of the world, there is a need to study and preserve unique national features, which are reflected in the style of forming and decorating objects. The study of this issue is particularly relevant for understanding the processes of cultural heritage preservation and the formation of modern aesthetic ideals. It was determined that the need to preserve national styles is not only related to issues of identity, but also to aesthetic requirements that often arise in modern design. The study of national styles of shaping and decorating allows for a deeper understanding of the socio-cultural processes taking place in society. Conclusions. Determined national features in decorative and applied art became the foundation for understanding ethnic identity in times of growing cultural internationalization, establishing technological and aesthetic standards that determine consumer values and influence the evolution of art, special formation and design. The issue of preservation and development of national traditions in decorative art in the context of modern design is becoming key to cultural heritage.
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