stained glass, monumental art, soviet art, Transcarpathia.Abstract
Abstract. The purpose. The article analyzes the artistic achievements of Ukrainian Transcarpathian artists at the end of the 20th century in the field of stained glass production, which influenced the formation of characteristic features and traditions of Uzhhorod stained glass art. Methods. The research used the methods of artistic and stylistic analysis and comparative analysis. Results. During the period of formation and flourishing of monumental art of the 20th century. Thematic and decorative stained glass windows not only represent the material part of the cultural heritage of Ukraine, but also, according to their own conceptual features, become an integral artistic element of urban architecture. In the 1970s and 1980s, Transcarpathia was dominated by the desire for an author's solution, the search for new compositional forms. This period is marked by the reduction of political pressure on representatives of culture and art, the expansion of the subject of monumental works, its aesthetic significance and the principles of interaction with architecture. Conclusions. The art of stained glass in the work of artists of the 1950–1990s is characterized by a wide range of stylistic solutions and technological experiments. Even then, a whole galaxy of talented artists was formed, who were limited in their choice of topics and creative pursuits, and still found the opportunity to look for new artistic means and ways of expressing their thoughts, master new technologies. The article lays the basis for consideration and further study of the main features and regularities of the creation of stained glass compositions by Transcarpathian artists.
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